Using IDEs to Develop NWX
While you can develop code for NWChemEx purely from the terminal you’ll probably be more productive if you use an integrated development environment (IDE). IDEs are intimidating at first, but once you get them setup, and log some hours, you’ll never go back to command line development again. Advantages of using an IDE include (this is a union of features from across IDEs; most IDEs support most of the features on this list, but they may not support all of them):
Built-in debugging
Click to add break points
Easily inspect variable values
Code inspection
Shows you errors/warnings without you having to compile
Can suggest best practices
Code autocomplete
Auto inserts closing braces, brackets, etc.
Knows about classes, variables, etc. so you only need to type the first few letters
Automatic formatting
No more forgetting to run
Typically a single click to build/debug
Built in version control
Syntax highlighting
Makes reading code much easier
Code folding
Allows you to hide irrelevant parts of the code
The following sections focus on how to set-up various IDEs for developing NWX. All of these tutorials assume that you have a directory set-up akin to that suggested in the Preliminaries section.