How NWX’s CI Works
The purpose of this page is to document various aspects of NWX’s CI.
NWX’s CI uses GitHub actions. GitHub actions allows you to have one or more workflows which get executed upon certain triggers. The workflows themselves are YAML and are a bit hard to write in a generic manner. This leads to copy/pasting these YAML files across repos and then making repo-specific changes to the copy pasted file. This is hard to maintain and leads to several sources of truth. Our solution is to write several generic Bash scripts which encapsulate how we do various CI steps (e.g., get a dependency or build documentation). The YAML files are then written by calling these scripts with the repo-specific options. We rely on file synchronization to keep the Bash scripts consistent across repos (the master versions live here in the DeveloperTools repo).
File Synchronization
There are several files which need to appear in each NWX repo and whose content needs to be synchronized. This includes:
Rather than remembering to update these files in each repo anytime they change,
we rely on the
`Files Sync Action<>`_
to keep them synchronized. Synchronizing these files is done in the
SynchronizeFiles workflow (YAML file: .github/workflows/synch_files.yaml
This workflow is executed when a DeveloperTools PR is merged into master.
Writing Workflows
The YAML workflows are written in terms of several Bash scripts. The scripts are separated into several generic tasks.
Installing Dependencies
All logic for installing dependencies is maintained in the workflows/scripts/ script. This script takes a list of dependencies to install and installs them. The GitHub workflows should get their dependencies by calling this script. This script will be invoked by many of the YAML workflows.
Building the Repo
Logic encapsulating the configure, build, and test phases is maintained in the workflows/scripts/ script. This script will generate a CMake toolchain file, use that file to configure the build, actually build the repo, run the unit tests (through ctest), and finally process the coverage results.
Testing and Deploying Documentation
Most of the NWChemEx repos use a two-pronged approach to documentation where the C++ documentation is documented using Doxygen and the non-API documentation is written using Sphinx. The .github/workflows/scripts/ script encapsulates this process. Each repo is responsible for maintaining two YAML files. The first YAML file should install the documentation dependencies (doxygen and sphinx) and then call This should be done for every PR in order to ensure the PR does not break the documentation. The second YAML file also installs the dependencies and builds the documentation. Additionally this YAML file deploys the documentation to GitHub Pages. The second YAML
Can we combine the two YAML files so that the last step (deployment) is only done when we’re pushing to master?
Linting of the C++ source code is done with clang-format (specifically version 9). The .github/workflows/scripts/ script actually executes the linting. The workflow YAML file is responsible for installing clang-format, for calling, and for making a PR from the diff.
Adding a New Repo
To add another repo to NWX’s CI follow these steps.
Add the repo to synch_files.yaml so that it gets the synchronized files
Commit that change (once it’s merged that should trigger the synchronization)
Add workflow files for the CI actions you are interested in - Easiest way is by copy/pasting from another NWX repo
Note that the repo must not enforce branch protection rules for admins otherwise the synch files plugin can’t push the synched files.